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REACHReady Events

***This seminar will be delivered online. Note: This joint event is excluded from the CIA member free event place policy.***

Chemical regulatory policy in the UK has not progressed forward as much as we would have expected it to since the UK left the EU – this has resulted in uncertainty for businesses! Recognising that the operating environment for chemicals regulations in the UK has changed for both UK regulators and business, and considering that the EU and international policy landscape will continue to evolve, industry more than ever needs to keep abreast of chemical regulatory policy developments and be able to navigate the uncertainties. This seminar provides the platform for this.

***This workshop will be delivered online and split over 2 half day morning sessions on Wednesday 21st and Thursday 22nd May 2025***

Classification is the key process that ensures labels and safety data sheets (SDS) provide accurate information on hazards, helping recipients use your chemical products safely. Understanding the principles and requirements of the Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation is crucial to making sure your labels and SDS are correct and compliant with the regulations.

This workshop aims to give you an understanding of your duties under both EU and GB CLP, as well as practical skills to help you classify and label your products correctly.

Note: This workshop is a rebrand of REACHReady’s previous “CLP – the Basics” workshop

***This training will be delivered in person***

IUCLID - the International Uniform Chemical Information Database - is the official tool for REACH data collection. This intensive training day provides essential training for all end-users of IUCLID, whether using on-line (cloud) or download versions. Ideal for anyone who needs to familiarise themselves with IUCLID as a consequence of obligations under both EU and UK REACH, input into poison centres or for Biocidal Product Regulation.

***This workshop will be delivered online and split over 2 half day morning sessions on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th July 2025***

The REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) Regulation affects almost every chemical substance that you manufacture, import or use to make your products and to run your processes.

REACHReady's most popular workshop, this introductory workshop is an excellent place to start for those who are beginning to define their REACH obligations, aimed at business and regulatory managers and practitioners working in companies that make, import or use chemicals and for those who are new to the regulation. Ideal for anyone who needs to understand more about their obligations under the EU27 and UK REACH Regulations, and also of interest to suppliers of substances and mixtures who are looking to support their EU and UK customers on REACH.

***This workshop will be delivered online via MS Teams and split over 2 half day sessions - am Wednesday 17th and am Thursday 18th September 2025***

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are a key communication document to provide information on the hazardous properties of chemical products and advice on risk management to reduce exposure to acceptable levels as well as advice on remedial action in case of accidents.

Anyone handling or supplying hazardous chemicals will already be familiar with the SDS and everyone supplying mixtures in the UK and EU 27 - from importers to formulators - needs to understand the SDS and how REACH affects it (EU/UK). For the writing SDS, getting the format correct is the easy part if following guidance, but to do this correctly, there must be an in depth knowledge of chemical safety control.

Register for this workshop to help you ensure your SDS is fit for purpose, and that you fully understand SDS provided by suppliers – and to check suppliers are providing you with appropriate details.

***This workshop will be delivered online and split over 2 half day sessions - am Wednesday 8th and am Thursday 9th October 2025.***

As more SVHCs come under the regulatory spotlight and the number of customer enquiries your company receives regarding chemicals of concern grow, you will be ever more reliant on a robust supply chain management system to ensure REACH compliance as part of product stewardship.

This workshop will outline the essentials of a compliance strategy that will help you identify if you are doing all you can to comply, recognise where business risks are likely to occur and how to minimise them and develop and maintain your strategy for compliance as part of good product stewardship. The implications of the UK withdrawal from the EU will be discussed throughout each session.

Aimed at business managers and regulatory specialists in companies that supply articles within the UK and EU. Of particular relevance to companies working through the requirements in the REACH Regulation for finished goods, sub-assemblies and components. Also of interest to importers and producers of articles alike, who are dealing with supply chain communication obligations and verifying product compliance.

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